

Frequency treatment involves the application of electric frequencies to the body, a method discovered around 1920 by Royal Rife, an American optician. Little is known about Rife’s previous life and how he stumbled upon this method. The massive apparatus he developed for generating electromagnetic frequencies was very primitive, able to produce only frequency ranges, not pure frequencies. Nevertheless, Rife’s invention was a success. With the money he received from donors he carried out many experiments on bacteria, animals and, later, human beings. He even organized a clinical trial with the Los Angeles university hospital on the medical applications of frequency treatment. Unfortunately, it ended in tragedy. The doctor leading the clinical trial died and the study was disbanded, its findings never published. Shortly afterward, a fire destroyed Rife’s laboratory. Rife never recovered from these incidents. Later the use of electromagnetic frequency treatment for therapy was prohibited in the United States.

Some doctors continued to use Rife’s devices and achieved good results. Around 10 years ago, physicists dismantled one of the last of Rife’s machines in an effort to find out how it worked, but the mechanism remained mysterious. Frequency treatment was a method that was not understood, yet it has inspired much hope, as Dr. Hulda R. Clark writes in her book, The Prevention of All Cancers.

In 2004, I became interested in electromagnetic frequency treatment. Thomas Böhme, an electrician whom I know well, assembled several modern devices known as oscillators. At first, we carried out experiments together in Widnau. I then continued them alone. Soon it became clear that I needed a lab if I was to achieve reproducible results. I was able to convince Dr. Alex Eberle to let me use a lab at the Biomedicine Research Department of the Basel University Hospital to study the effects of electromagnetic frequencies on cells. I was a retired molecular biologist and had the necessary time to perform the experiment myself. One set comprising 7 frequencies was applied sequentially on different cell lines. This study lasted from the end of 2005 to 2009. At first, I didn’t understand the results. Later, as I described my results in detail, a common thread began to emerge.

The study consisted in the electrical application of 7 frequencies on different cell lines. The human cell line THP-1 derived from a leukaemia patient and the mouse cell line 3T3-L1, responded well to the frequencies, others only marginally. This means that the electric frequencies applied elicited conspicuous, reproducible und stable results in a cell-specific way. I had not expected cell-specificity from frequency treatment. All of the results appeared to be of positive character, as far as I could judge, without any obvious reduction in the life potential of the treated cells.

I eventually was able to obtain a fundamental hypothesis in order to explain the mechanism of frequency treatment, which I published on the website lightbody-frequency.ch. Furthermore, I have carried out experiments with frequency treatment on myself for many years.

How does the frequency treatment function; what is the mechanism of this procedure?

Before discussing its possible function, let us consider the effects that were observed with the two receptive cell lines.
  1. 30 frequency treatments of about 20 minutes each had a lasting effect on THP and 3T3 cells – that is, the alterations remained stable for at least 4 years.
  2. The frequency treatments yielded reproducible results for the cell lines THP and 3T3.
  3. The THP and 3T3 cells responded in a cell-specific way to the identical set of seven frequencies.
  4. The treated cells responded in an adaptive way, that is, they behaved differently depending on the culturing conditions. They also showed in this way a harmonisation effect: the treated THP and 3T3 cells enhanced their communication in the cellular population.
How frequencies affect THP cells

The most striking effects of frequency treatment could be observed with THP cells. Usually, THP cells grow individually as single cells in a nonadherent fashion, in suspension. The cells treated with frequencies, however, began to form large groups conspicuous to the naked eye. There was thus a considerable difference in behaviour between treated and untreated cells. In addition, the treated THP cells showed increased flexibility in adjusting their growth to the environment. The growth of a fraction of the cells was not delayed with low cell concentrations in suboptimal feeding medium. However, maximal growth of the entire THP cell population was not altered when compared to the untreated cells. This behaviour is characteristic of noncancerous cells. Cancererous cells, by contrast, operate independently and grow without regard for other cells or the organism in general.

How frequencies affect 3T3 cells

The frequencies had a strong effect on 3T3 cells as well. After treatment, they grew to higher cell densities, doubling their cell number. Moreover, 1–2% of 3T3 cells became very large.

These were the most important effects on THP and 3T3 cells. The same set of 7 frequencies was applied to two other cells lines; this yielded weak changes that were not always reproducible. 

Current scientific knowledge cannot explain these results. A model that explains the mechanism of action of electromagnetic frequencies must account for all the aforementioned observations and the following points:

  1. The applied electrical intensity of the frequencies was low enough that chemical changes to the cells – i.e. mutations – were not expected.
  2. All treated cells of a given line changed in the same way when subjected to the same frequencies.

By definition, mutations appear randomly and their occurrence cannot be reproduced in a targeted manner. Since frequency treatments produced reproducible effects, these effects cannot be attributed to mutations. Accordingly, frequency treatment is acting on the cells in a way that is not understood.


A hypothesis on the mechanism of action of frequency treatment

A reasonable explanation for our experimental findings is that a field of some nature is acting on the cell lines and is responsible for the divergent results obtained by the frequency treatments. Clearly, the results cannot be explained by mutations in the THP or 3T3 cell lines. One possibility is that the proposed field consists of frequencies with information, able to react to frequency treatment. It is conceivable that quanta with frequencies would organize this information field, the information field itself transfer information to the cell lines.

According to this quantum field hypothesis, the quantum frequencies would interact through resonance, and the extent of the resonance would be according to the information contained in the frequencies. Resonance of the quanta frequencies would be defined as the degree of concordance between two units of quantum information and the exchange of information. This model would allow for new information of the quantum field to be installed in the structures.

What is this information? How is it coded into quantum frequency? According to this hypothesis all structures of the entire world are coded for by the information of quantum frequency. The way the information is coded into quantum frequencies and the code itself are unknown, but the amount of information must be infinite. And we have to assume that all quanta are frequencies that code for unique information. This model would allow the expression of all structures, in their respective form and size, based on the information of quantum frequencies. Conceivably the electromagnetic quantum frequency has the form of a ∞.

Since the living structures are in a state of development and are subject to evolution, the quanta frequencies have to be renewed continuously. It would therefore appear that evolution is controlled by the information of quantum frequencies. The renewal of the quantum frequencies must be unimaginably fast, possibly without time.

Furthermore, it must be assumed that information is at the basis of the phenomenon described as consciousness. It would be entirely sensible to understand consciousness as derived from information. However, consciousness is more than the information we perceive through thoughts: It involves different aspects, among which the “I am” quality that is experienced as self-consciousness. This “I am” quality is presumably derived from the energy of the quanta frequencies.

The energy of a frequency is given by its vibrational height and amplitude. A rapid frequency has more energy than a slow frequency, and high amplitude has more energy than flat amplitude. It can be assumed that the energy of the quantum frequency is fundamental for consciousness and for the existence of the material world. In other words, the field of quantum frequency would be responsible for the whole reality.

The model, at its essence, says the following: Quantum field frequency is a field in which information relates to everything. Everything is related through resonance, through the interaction of quantum frequencies. The field of quantum frequencies is the information of everything in relation to everything else. In this way, by resonance of the quantum field, the interactions of quantum frequencies enable harmony in the reality of our world, as seen in nature. The quantum frequency model enables in this way a holistic reality, an implicate order of reality.

How can this model be verified? This question is obviously of central importance. Quanta are extremely small units, so small that they cannot be measured directly. But quantum frequencies can be influenced by frequency treatment, which means that one can study the model indirectly based on the effect of electromagnetic frequencies.

One can imagine the quantum field as an equilateral triangle:


The upright lines indicate quantum frequencies ordered by their vibration height, from fastest (top) to slowest (bottom). Groups of quantum frequencies represent structures or animate beings. They could be defined as functional units. The functional unit stone requires little information and thus belongs at the bottom of the triangle. Even more simple compounds of quantum-frequencies are atoms and their building blocks, electrons and quarks. They form the foundation of the triangle. Complex functional units such as cells or multi-celled organisms are further up. The faster the frequency is, the more information can be stored in it. If we divide the triangle horizontally into 55 slices of different frequency levels, the following classification could be tentatively drawn:

Level 1 Quanta
2 Subatomic particles
  3 Atoms
  4 Molecules
  5 Cells
  6 Organs
  7 Human beings

Further up are levels of higher consciousness. The so-called “archetypes of unconsciousness” described in psychology presumably belong here.

What is consciousness?

The triangle is a simple picture, a two-dimensional symbol for the quantum field. It comprises everything – the stars, human beings and everything else. How do we determine the position of the different functional groups in this field? A partial outline is shown in the above list. But most of the information necessary in this regard is missing. We are not able to assign degrees of consciousness to human beings, or to other functional units. We mainly distinguish between unconscious, conscious and self-conscious. Yet it seems likely that consciousness, too, is subject to development, like organisms. We clearly distinguish between the intelligence of different human beings, so why not of their consciousness? It would mean that all functional units have some degree of consciousness, e.g. from the unconsciousness of a tree to the self-consciousness of a human being. Consciousness would thus exist in increments of quanta frequencies, allowing for a nearly continuous distribution in development from low to high level. However, the degree of consciousness for all functional units remains unknown and can only be estimated indirectly.

Let assume that consciousness is built on the information of quantum frequencies. Consciousness doesn’t have an objective structure and hence cannot be measured directly. Consciousness and the cognitive mind are expressions that essentially describe the same phenomenon. They are postulated to be a manifestation of quantum frequencies, something that consists of energy and information and has the quality of an “I”, i.e. it is something subjective, something that cannot be directly measured. But we human beings can provide information about ourselves if one ask questions or studies our behaviour. And this information in turn can be considered objectively.

From physics, we know that energy cannot be destroyed and that it tends to assume less and less complex forms. The chaotic tendency of energy is defined as entropy. It appears for instance as the virtual energy of subatomic particles. Entropy is presumably the cause for the cosmic energy background of our reality. It is the energy of the past that remains as new quantum frequencies arise. New quanta arise constantly and have an energy defined as the frequency height and amplitude. The energy level of a new quantum corresponds most likely to the requirements of any structure. The quantum frequencies bring about all processes of life and sustain the motion of the biochemical processes, of evolution itself. Since the new quantum frequencies are both, information and energy, they know somehow where their energy is deployed. The energy level contained in a quantum is of extremely low intensity and suffices for the development of all consciousness in evolution. Since the quanta undergo a constant process of renewal, the energy of the new quanta is constantly giving us human beings and all functional units information for a higher consciousness. It is assumed that development of consciousness proceeds in extremely small steps through quantum frequencies.

How are functional units formed? The quantum field, which unifies information and energy, enables the creation of structures from our ideas. The structures are represented, that is, their nature presumably is illusion. If we imagine driving a car, we imagine being at the wheel and steering the car. We do it consciously. Consciousness enables it. If we have any doubts about it, then perhaps we’ll run out of gas or the motor will not start.

Many ideas are anchored deeply in our consciousness. They concern many fundamental structures of our life, such as chemical elements, the sun and much else that we regard as self-evident. This ensures that we can cope with life in our stage of development. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer recognized this intuitively in his work The World as Will and Representation. Under “will” Schopenhauer understood something like the power of ideas. The world as representation is a very difficult concept, though it’s not a new one. It’s contained in the teachings of Buddhism under the concept of maya, or the illusion of reality.

How do we affect the quantum field in our everyday lives? Namely, through our ideas. Our ideas directly affect the quantum field. Together, our ideas form the cognitive framework of our life. Many ideas are conscious, though most are unconscious. We have two ways of affecting our quantum field. One way is through our ideas and the other way through frequency treatment. The frequency treatment makes it possible to gradually eliminate disharmony.

The quantum field of every individual comprises his or her entire history: all information ever contained in our quanta lives on as vibrations. In other words, everything we’ve ever experienced, both the harmonic and the nonharmonic, is memorised in our quanta frequencies.

It is unlikely that many people will agree with this model. It introduces too many new ideas.