

Do quanta move as part of functional units, as part of objective structures? This would seem to be the case, as functional units are composed of quanta. Furthermore, objective structures are made of structures within other structures, which can move independently of each other. A cell, for example, moves inside a body that in turn is capable of movement. Functional units and their constituent parts may perform many movements at the same time. Thus the overall movement of a structure is complex.

As quanta cannot be measured, it is unclear whether they move. Only the movement of functional units can be measured. And this can be quite difficult when the structures are small: the measured signals may need to be amplified. Thus it is never possible to perform a precise measurement of the overall movement of a functional unit.

The movement of a functional unit does not mean a change in position for quanta. The position of a quantum is given and does not change during its life. With the movement of a functional unit the mental representation of the quanta positions are temporally organized such that the functional unit moves from position A to position B. For each quantum in a given position, an unrestricted number of represented movements is possible.

With our sensory organs we are unable to perceive very fast movements. At high speed, there is a measurable change in the mass of the functional unit. If, in the calculation of a very fast movement, a functional unit occupies many different coordination points, then its mass is correspondingly larger, as it comprises the sum of the masses of all occupied coordination points.

Quanta are vibrations – as frequences quanta are not localized.