

Is there evidence for the view that our reality is based on quantum frequencies and on the information they transmit – that is, that quantum frequencies are vibrations that encode information? This is a question of eminent importance. Can it be answered affirmatively? The quanta are the building blocks of reality and are outside the realm of our experience. Accordingly, the question needs to be approached in an indirect way. The supposition: Reality is based on quantum frequencies and the information they transmit, is supported by numerous observations. However, the logical deductions from these observations contradict the actually and generally accepted theory of materialism. An objective analysis of non-material reality is difficult, as it contradicts a range of accepted assumptions and convictions.

To a considerable extent, materialism is based on Darwinism – that is, on the theory of evolution, which posits that life develops through a mechanism founded on random mutations and natural selection. There is extremely good evidence for evolution – namely for the view that all higher life forms develop from lower life forms. But what is the actual evidence for the mechanism of this development? Is it truly by coincidence that advanced life forms arise from predecessors at lower stages of development? Let us consider a few examples.

Vertebrates have developed a complex visual organ: the lensed eye.  This type of visual organ is also found in squid, who developed an identical structure, but using an independent evolutionary route. The developmental stages are similar, yet in the case of squid, the eyes develop from an other type of embryonic tissue – a fundamental difference. The eye is the end product of innumerable adaptations; it is an extremely complex organ and exceptionally sensitive to light. It is also the source of most of our perceptions. How, then, did the squid develop the same visual organ, independently from vertebrates? Was coincidence the driving force?

While there are many indications that quantum frequencies are information, the evidence for this is indirect. To demonstrate the informational role played by quantum frequencies, it is necessary to investigate their experimental impacts on functional units. Establishing such evidence has been done, e.g. as the author's investigation of cell cultures has shown.

The mineral fluorite grows mostly in cubic or octahedral form. In India, fluorite is also found in rare instances in round form. Can this round form perhaps be explained by differences in the chemical composition of the fluorite crystal? It is not believed that chemical differences are responsible, as cubic and octahedral shaped crystals are in the majority, and are found together with rounded ones. It is a mystery why the mineral takes different shapes, in the absence of characteristic differences at the chemical level. The situation is similar for pyrite, another mineral that usually takes angular shapes, but is also found as flat and round discs, as pyrite suns. At a molecular level, all pyrite crystals are identical in composition beside some less frequent chemicals, present independent of their form.

Another example is quartz, a well-known more or less transparent crystal, which often has a hexagonal form and six-sided point. Occasionally, the point of the crystal is not formed from silicate, but rather from other elements. Nevertheless, the point remains six-sided, even when it is made from another material. This means the shape of the point is not determined by the silicate molecules. Furthermore it is easy to distinguish a quartz crystal that has been cut and polished from a naturally grown one. How is the control of the formation of this surface performed in nature, which may involve millions of silicate molecules? Quartz crystals often have six sided points, which are not organized randomly. The points always form with a high degree of symmetry, according to a hidden system. Symmetry is a property that is based on information. By contrast, aquamarine crystals terminate with a horizontal surface at their upper end.

Darwin’s theory of evolution posits that all life forms are the result of a developmental process spanning many epochs. The theory of evolution was developed long before DNA or quantum frequencies were discovered. The theory arose based on the observations made by Darwin during his famous expedition on the HMS Beagle. He concluded that all life forms arose from a common ancestor and that random variance is the decisive mechanism of evolution, assuming that only beneficial modifications are preserved through natural selection. Darwin’s theory initially met with great resistance. Many conclusions were difficult to accept, including in particular the idea that man and apes have common ancestors. The Christian worldview was not compatible with the notion that man developed from ape, as man was conceived as the apex of creation and not as a descendant of other creatures. The notion that all life forms have developed over time has a long history, however; it was originally postulated by the Greeks, by Aristotle’s, although not proven by him.

The thermoregulation of birds and mammals is decisive for their new and highly evolved life functions. However, there is considerable uncertainty concerning how thermoregulation developed, as different organs have different needs. The brain, for example, needs steady high temperatures, while the testis, by contrast, requires low temperatures. It is assumed that thermoregulation only developed once in birds and mammals, as these two classes of animals use an identical method of heat generation. Birds and mammals thus had a common strategy for different goals: namely, flight respectively complex cognitive performance and intrauterine development of the offspring’s. All these abilities depend on increased body temperature.

The cognitive scientist Steven Pinker has conducted a comprehensive analysis of mankind’s use of violence in the last 700 years. He shows that all forms of violence are clearly on the decline, especially since the Second World War, in contrast to widespread opinion. In our consumption of mass media, we are exposed to a flood of information about violence; news coverage constantly revolves around this topic. Long-term homicide trends tell a different story, however: 300 years ago, there were approximately 35 murders annually per 100,000 people in Europe. Today, the figure is usually 1 per 100,000. Homicide rates have thus declined significantly, even when one includes the victims of war. Accordingly, the future appears to be brighter than we might commonly suppose. What is the source of this improvement? It cannot be attributable to coincidence, as it encompasses all mankind. What is controlling this change in humanity? Of course, we do not live in paradise, for the number of happy individuals is not particularly high. Yet might we be headed toward greater happiness for humanity?