

Frequencies constitute the main aspects of quanta, alongside energy, harmony, light and information. Consciousness is an expression of them. Quantum frequency is a vibration – in it is the information coded of soul. Through quantum frequency soul is immanent in manifestation. In quantum frequency is the information that programs all of the beings bodily structures with their corresponding consciousness. Every quantum has its own unique frequency containing an infinite amount of information. In addition, the quantum frequency contains the information that a being has gained through its experiences. This creates a frequency field with the sum of all of a being’s information: this is its frequency body.

Through the frequencies of the quanta, the being’s structures are an expression of their past development. New quantum frequencies pass on their information simultaneously to all frequencies of the field. This enables the being to find harmonious and holistic solutions in all the various situations it may find itself in.

How do quantum frequencies affect functional units? Frequencies use resonance to regulate a being’s energy flow across all frequency levels. Usually, weak frequencies have low effects and frequencies with high amplitudes have strong effects. The vibrations interact with one another by resonance in accordance with their information following given rules. Resonance enables the exchange of energy and information between the quanta. If a particular part of the body requires energy, quanta of those structures will provide energy and information. This ongoing process is dynamic and requires no time.

Soul’s information field makes it possible for the being to develop. A person’s frequency field forms an information field, which is the fundament for their energy flow and the functioning of their organs. Soul’s information field is the information hub. It constantly informs all frequency levels about the being’s developmental process. Frequencies are the soul’s tools. The frequencies of the existing quanta are continually adapted to the being’s development. A quantum frequency can simultaneously be in resonance with any number of quantum frequencies. Through resonance, quantum frequencies exchange energy and information. This exchange is continuous for all quanta. Frequencies are the basic element for the body’s energy flow. Simultaneously, they are also the basic element of the being’s information field. Frequencies combine several different properties: information, energy and light. Quantum frequencies communicate with one another and are conscious. Soul enables manifestation by means of quantum frequencies and is in this way immanent in all structures.

A being’s information field is part of the information field of a soul’s manifestation unit. A manifestation unit encompasses the entire galaxy. Every being, every functional unit of the manifestation unit is united through its information field.