

Information is a term that has various definitions in physics. Frequently, it is used based on the way information is organized. The hypothesis of quantum frequencies as an information field takes a different approach. It posits that quantum frequencies are carriers of information. Specifically, quantum frequencies or Qf are a vehicle through which encoded information is transmitted. While we are unable to measure these frequencies directly, we can observe their effects, and thus make suppositions on the coding. Thus the description of the information field formed by quantum frequencies appears difficult, but perhaps not impossible.

For various reasons, the information field hypothesis is difficult to describe. No scientist has described up to now a system of information that codes for many domains of reality. We don’t even have a tentative model of such a system, since the insight for its necessity is mostly missing. First, such information is not directly measurable, thus making it difficult to access. Second, it is of complex nature, as the information covers an unknown number of domains. Accordingly, in order to begin a description of the phenomenon of quantum information, we are forced to proceed from assumptions.

A cardinal point is that the information encoded into quantum frequencies is not directly accessible. We do not know how information is encoded in electromagnetic frequencies; we do not know how the encoding of information takes place and how the Qf are generated. An additional difficulty is that the information may undergo transformations during this process. Thus the processes of both encoding and decoding are unknown. Most likely the code is in a form of numerical values as an alternative to a mathematical code seems unlikely. Yet how are organisms and physical objects able to receive this information and translate it into structures of reality? We don’t know.

Which domains of information are conveyed through quantum frequencies? Again, this question can only be answered partially at best. However there are hints through the presence of conundrums which scientific research was unable to resolve up to now, in spite of intensive efforts. One open question concerns the nature of consciousness. Furthermore, evolution is based on random mutations and selection of the fittest according to present day theory. Yet how can the exquisite harmony of the organisms arise by a random principle? What is more, why have organisms evolved from simple to increasingly complex forms? According to the law of entropy, the exact opposite should occur.

Such open questions could help to decover the domains of information in Qf. There are certainly many things that are not directed through the information of quantum frequencies, including the conscious activities undertaken by man. For example, we can build machines or alter the environment, but how we do this is up to us; we are free actors in this regard although climate change is showing us that some limits need to be respected. While consciousness in principle is likely to be enabled by the information field of Qf, free will is certainly not determined by it.

Empirical experiments have shown that the application of electromagnetic frequencies to established cell lines causes large stable and reproducible cell-specific changes, in a harmonious way. This finding demands an explanation. The results of the described experiments suggest the existence of an information field that is effective through resonance. This hypothesis illuminates fundamental aspects of our empirical reality that have defied explanations to date. Furthermore, the Qf hypothesis does not contradict scientific facts. Certainly the hypothesis of quantum frequencies requires to view reality from a different perspective. However, this new view may contradict some assumptions. Yet undoubtedly, assumptions are merely habitual views that should be abandoned as soon as exposed to new facts.

In the effort to comprehend the information field that underlies our reality, there is another hurdle to overcome: namely, the autonomy consisting in the determination of one’s reality. As individuals, we determine our reality – and the scope of this influence has not yet been defined. Free will can be frightening. On the one hand, we desire autonomy, but another part of us shrinks from the burden of this responsibility. How should we understand autonomy in this context? Consciousness is a subset of the information that constitutes reality. Consciousness includes the power of free will. As humans, our thoughts give rise to our actions. Indeed, our free will is invariably the progenitor of our actions.

This can be seen in all things that man does. Often, people create new things without thinking about their effects. Once something is created, it unfolds its potential – think of the mobile phone, for example, and all of the changes it has brought about. While certain inventions are desirable, such as the refrigerator, others are not, such as weapons. Nevertheless, these things are still being manufactured and re-created, a vicious circle. Clearly, we need a better understanding of how reality works, given our responsibility to create it.

Consciousness includes our thoughts and our feelings. Consciousness also encompasses logic, mathematics, and the intellectual achievements of man. The individual experiences belong to the realm of consciousness, including feelings, dreams, and much more. Most aspects of experiences are subliminal, i.e. not easily accessible, but nevertheless present somehow. In the course of our development, our conscious awareness expands. Consciousness is something that is not fixed. Rather, it is highly volatile and flexible, and can be controlled by the individual to some extent. There are all kinds of varying aspects of consciousness. Only some are present in each individual.

Considering the above, how should one proceed with the description of consciousness? There are many open questions. How is it possible, for example, that consciousness is specific to the individual, when the information communicated through resonance of quantum frequencies is presumably boundless? How is this information limited to what is appropriate for an individual? Presumably, the information specific to the individual is selected through a control system, allowing resonance to sort out that what is not appropriate.

The ongoing development of a human being is achieved through the continuous transfer of information by life experiences. This enables development. The variously coloured experiences make things happen. There is no predetermined process of life. Rather, the experiences of life are surprising. There are no boundaries to life: We can open ourselves to varying degrees to this process of life.

Quantum frequencies transmit information and power to living beings and to all functional units. The power manifest in a living being increases in line with its development: The higher its development, the greater its power. Thus the growth of power in development and evolution directly contradicts the law of entropy, which says that all power dissipates over time. Since quantum frequencies of the information field react with one another, and since no aspect of reality exists without quantum frequencies, the entropy as posited by the second law of thermodynamics is not applicable to the information field of quantum frequencies. Entropy is a special feature of certain areas of reality, and living beings are not subject to it. For physicists, the second law of thermodynamics represents a fundamental aspect of reality. In our model of quantum frequencies, the information field is not subject to entropy.

Information is the fundamental aspect of our reality. It determines the course of events, our development, our consciousness, and our experiences. Elucidating this aspect of reality requires a shared effort. As we explore the information field of quantum frequencies, we are sure to make a number of surprising discoveries. However, as quantum frequencies are complex, patience is required. In this regard, we also need to adopt a new attitude towards our fellow man. What is needed is not war, but harmony. Indeed, conflicts are in direct opposition to the fundamental principle that makes life possible: Namely, harmony through resonance of quantum frequencies. Understanding of the fundamental architecture of our reality – that is, of resonance as a carrier of electromagnetically encoded information – carries a potential that we are just beginning to understand.