


Philosophy describes our assumptions about the meaning of life in our world, in our reality. How should we engage with reality? What is the purpose of our existence? Such questions speak to us deeply, and yet they cannot be answered clearly. One is forced to proceed in small steps, groping one’s way toward truth. Everyone has their own opinions about how life should be lived, and through discourse, something like a common hypothesis can emerge. There are various ways to participate in this discourse. Some, for example, paint pictures, while others sing songs or dedicate themselves to their work. Philosophy is an extremely broad field; everyone makes a contribution to it, whether they believe they are participating in discourse or not.

What one contributes to the discourse originates from one’s thoughts about experience. Ultimately, everything is a form of experience, regardless of whether we are referring to a dream or thought, accident or crime, our fellow human beings, plants or animals, our achievements and the man-made objects or natural ones. Distilling the multifaceted phenomena of our world into a sensible story requires consensus. A great many things are candidates for inclusion in this story. Indeed, what doesn't belong? Nothing. And even if you think you have found a definitive answer, new individuals arise, advancing new views. Life proceeds onward, without pause.


Section 1: Resonance

Philosophy is a subject that one usually avoids. It's for oddballs; it sells badly; and it can't be proven. So why engage in philosophy, one might ask. Philosophy would perhaps be more generally appealing if it incorporated the findings of modern science. In formulating this new philosophy, it would be necessary to account for everything, including energy, information, consciousness, and feelings. Yet such a philosophy already exists: namely, the hypothesis of information. This hypothesis describes fundamental units of frequencies defined as basic units of action. They are probably smaller than the smallest particles that scientists have observed, such as the nearly massless neutrino. These units of action contain an oscillation, an electromagnetic frequency. These frequency units, which are referred to as quantum frequencies, or QF, are the information units of our reality. One can imagine them as a horizontal eight or ∞; they interact with each other through resonance. Each quantum frequency interacts with neighbouring quantum frequencies, so that in the end, all QF – the entire information field – is connected through resonance.

What is resonance? Resonance is a system in which neighbouring quanta compare their frequencies. The greater the harmony between frequencies, the closer their information corresponds. And the greater this correspondence, the stronger bond between frequencies. Resonance is thus the mechanism that makes it possible to bring together and strengthen similar frequencies. QF resonance creates power. The greater the harmony of the frequencies, the stronger the power of a given QF group.

Resonance is a process of a special kind, as it combines harmony with power and is controlled by the information field. Information is the controlling force. When the interaction between quantum frequencies gets better, their resonance is augmented, thus intensifying the force. Resonance is something special: it is the mechanism responsible for the manifestation of our reality. It is a perfect mechanism. Resonance touches every functional unit in existence. Nothing is possible without resonance: evolution, growth, and healing all depend on it. Resonance is controlled by the information field, subdivided into the individual quantum frequencies. It is a mechanism of the highest perfection and reliability. And it is also shrouded in mystery.


Section 2: Consciousness

Consciousness, which arises from resonance, is also a great conundrum. While everyone experiences consciousness in an intimate way, it is difficult to convey it in words. There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, consciousness is multifaceted. Many different aspects are involved – including impressions, feelings, thoughts, phantasies, and dreams. Feelings imbue experience with a particular quality, which can be described as the power of subjectivity. Feelings cannot be objectified; the words used to express them are not standardized like numbers. They thus remain subjective and cannot be compared.

However, consciousness does not only involve feeling. It also involves thought, which acts as a counterweight to feelings. Two great aspects of consciousness are thus in balance, and can become intermixed to varying degrees, if one tolerates it. The domain of thought can be further subdivided: into logic, which includes mathematics, and into fantasy. These two elements can also intermingle, if one allows it. A further level of consciousness is accessible through intuition. It enables access to the higher self. Intuition can be present in all of the mentioned aspects of consciousness.


Section 3: The Functional Unit

A new philosophical understanding is possible if we view reality not in terms of darwinian units, but rather in terms of information that underlies and controls it. How could reality be controlled, if not by information? Darwinian units do not exercise control; rather, they simply react to circumstances. Yet the harmony of nature does not come about through reaction, and also not by chance; mechanisms are necessary to engender harmony.

What are functional units? They can be animals, plants, cells and bacteria, as well as inanimate objects that develop in the course of evolution. The mountain collapses into stones, the stones become grains of sand, and the grains of sand are ground into dust, or amalgamated back into stone, in an endless cycle. Rivers flow into the sea, the sea begets clouds, and clouds precipitate as snow or rain, this forming new rivers – the cycle of water. As water is also the basis of life on earth, it is found in all living functional units, and, together with different molecules, gives form to other functional units. Functional units are and at the same time enable other functional units.

Functional units are often complex: a human being consists of various organs, which in turn consist of cells, which in turn consist of molecules made up of atoms, and so on. The list is not endless, but it is long. It reflects the current state of our knowledge. Functional units are units of information that are controlled by their quantum frequencies; they have consciousness and feelings. While we can see this in creatures that have organs to express feelings, we cannot see it in other functional units. Plants, for example, can react to adverse conditions. Stones and streams are silent, however.


Section 4: Healing

Today’s medical system does not know any reproducible method of healing. Rather, it only knows methods of treatment. Accordingly, if you seek healing, you have to rely on yourself. The hypothesis of the information field tells us that it is possible to use electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize your information field. Various experiments have shown that such treatment can induce improvements over the long term. To this end, the electromagnetic frequencies need to be specifically adjusted to the person seeking treatment.